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The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) has issued a TOTAL FIRE BAN todaySunday 16 March 2025 until 12 midnight. This means no fires in parklands including coal, wood and gas fire BBQs and all fire permits are suspended. Please report any fires quickly by calling 000.

Western Sydney Parklands

Search Results

  • Event management plan

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide an Event Management Plan (EMP) which includes a detailed production schedule, site plan, run-sheet and communications plan. For more information,… Read more

  • Fencing

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer is responsible for providing all temporary fencing/barricades for an event site. Any proposed installation of temporary fencing/barricades must be included in the… Read more

  • First aid/Medical plan

    The organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a comprehensive medical plan to manage any medical incidents which may occur during an event.  For more information, download this first aid… Read more

  • Food and beverage

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer is responsible for obtaining all relevant food and beverage licences as required.  1. Food Authority Licence  The event organiser, promoter or hirer must ensure… Read more

  • Insurance

    The event organiser (Applicant), will be required to provide a Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance that will be current at the time of the event, should… Read more

  • Lighting plan

    Events that finish after sunset will require a lighting plan as part of the risk management and crowd management plans, particularly crowd departure. Adequate lighting is also required… Read more

  • Noise management

    The Trust has a Noise Management Plan which provides for noise mitigation at major events.  The plan takes into account the impact of noise on both neighbouring residents and local… Read more

  • Pyrotechnical plan

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer must engage a licensed pyrotechnician for all pyrotechnical displays.  The licensed pyrotechnician must complete a WorkCover Notification of pyrotechnics/fireworks display form as a… Read more

  • Security, crowd management and emergency

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a Security Management Plan and Emergency Management Plan.  1. Security and Crowd Management Plan  The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide… Read more

  • Site safety and risk management

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a risk assessment identifying the hazards of an event site and how they can be controlled to minimise the potential… Read more

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