Western Sydney Parklands

Greater Sydney Parklands

Greater Sydney Parklands brings together some of Sydney’s most iconic parks: Centennial Parklands (including Moore Park and Queens Park), Western Sydney ParklandsParramatta ParkCallan Park and Fernhill Estate.

Combined, Greater Sydney Parklands oversees more than 6,000 hectares of parklands across Sydney, and hosts over 40 million visits each year. 

The priority for Greater Sydney Parklands is to develop new ways to involve Sydneysiders to meet local community needs, and to expand and improve public green space and parklands. In partnership with communities, state and federal government agencies, and local councils, it will champion the NSW Government’s new 50 Year Vision for Sydney’s Open Space and Parklands.

Corporate Plan 2023 – 2028

Our corporate plan provides clear direction on what we want to achieve and how we will operate. As part of the annual cycle of strategic and financial planning for our activities over the next five years, the plan clarifies how we will add value to the community, beneficiaries and the NSW Government.

Greater Sydney Parklands Corporate Plan 2023 - 2028 (PDF 6 MB)

Community trustee boards

A community trustee board has been established to engage with local communities on the future of Western Sydney Parklands.

The community trustee board will play a key advisory role representing a broad range of community interests and local perspectives on park stewardship, activities and usage, plus environmental, heritage and cultural issues.

Community trustee board members were established on 5 December 2022 by the Minster for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport, as per legislative requirements, on the recommendation of Greater Sydney Parklands. The appointed members for Western Sydney Parklands can be found below:

 Anthony Laria (Chair)
Cr Chris Quilkey
Christine Deaner
Colin Locke
Douglas Belton
Edward Saulig
Ellie Robertson
Rebecca Anderson
Sririsay Vukovic

Year in Review 2021-22

The Greater Sydney Parklands Year in Review 2021-22 is available for download. Read about the highlights and achievements of Greater Sydney Parklands’ first year of operation. Read more.

Our sites

Callan Park

Sixty-one hectares of parkland, sporting grounds and green space. Explore.

Centennial Parklands

Centennial Parklands is one of the world's leading public parklands. Explore.

Fernhill Estate

One of Australia’s finest examples of Georgian architecture. Explore.

Parramatta Park

Picnic, get active, explore history or attend one of many events. Explore.

Western Sydney Parklands

60km of tracks and trails. Explore.

Help shape the future of your park

Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) is the city-wide voice for Greater Sydney’s urban parks. We are looking to strengthen how we consult and engage with you and our city’s diverse communities. We invite you to have your say on our Draft Consultation and Engagement Framework and nominate for one of our five community trustee boards. Read more. 

Thank you for your interest. The consultation period for Greater Sydney Parklands’ Draft Consultation and Engagement Framework has now ended. The Draft Consultation and Engagement Framework is expected to be finalised in late 2022. Nominations have closed for the Western Sydney Parklands community trustee board has also ended – see our FAQs page for more information.

Our board

We are a consolidated board made up of representation from Western Sydney Parklands Trust, Parramatta Park Trust, Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust.

Board members:

  • Michael Rose AM (Chair)
  • Dr Robert Lang
  • Ceinwen Kirk-Lennox
  • Julie Bindon
  • Kaylie Salvatori
  • Sharon Veale
  • Siobhan Toohill
  • Joshua French, Chief Executive GSP

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