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Western Sydney Parklands

Lizard Log Playground

A sprawling nature playground, walking trails and a spot to grab coffee.

Lizard Log is a nature lover’s wonderland in a bushland setting. It has a nature-themed playground for the kids, scenic walks for all and cycling tracks of various lengths for those who like a physical challenge.

The sprawling nature playground was designed to blend in with the natural landscape while offering seriously fun features. It has a climbing wall, slide, dual and single flying foxes, balancing beams, giant swings and a water play deck. The wood-carved animals that decorate the playground were made using timber salvaged from the area. Loop paths run through the site – perfect for scooter and bike riders.

Opening hours: Western Sydney Parklands is open to pedestrians 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  All Parklands gates are open daily from 8am – 6pm (8pm during daylight saving).

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Western Sydney Parklands | Lizard Log Playground