Western Sydney Parklands

Exploring Western Sydney Parklands is guaranteed to get your heart-rate up! Wander along one of our walking tracks, take a hike through beautiful bushland or gather your mates together for a ball game in one of our open spaces. You set the pace and we’ll supply the site.

Cycling and walking

There are 70km of tracks and trails in the Parklands, ready for walking and jogging as well as hiking and cycling. See the Tracks and trails digital map to find out about each route.

See What’s on for upcoming cycling events in the Parklands.

Mountain bike riding

Wylde Mountain Bike Trail is open daily from sunset to sunrise (weather permitting) and is free to ride. The trail caters for intermediate, competent and advanced mountain bike riders.

To see the current status of the Trail visit our Wylde MTB Trail page for the latest update. Join our MTB community in the Wylde MTB Trail Facebook Group to discuss all things mountain biking and learn more about this popular sport.

Dog walking

Dogs are welcome anywhere in the Parklands, but they must be on a leash when not in designated off-leash areas located at Warrigal Run at Bungarribee or Shale Hills Dog Park

The entry to Bungarribee is 200 metres north of the traffic lights at the intersection of Holbeche Road and Doonside Road, Doonside. 

The entrance to Shale Hills Dog Park is located at the intersection of Second and Mannow Avenues, West Hoxton.

See Places to go for more on Bungaribee and Shale Hills Dog Park.

Explore the treetops

Enjoy an adventure high in the treetops, complete with flying foxes and suspension bridges. Choose the TreeTop Adventure course for kids age 3 and over, or try the TreeTop Crazy Rider, the fastest rollercoaster zipline in the world!

See the TreeTops Adventure Park website for further information. 


Bird watching

Western Sydney Parklands is home to many birds including native cockatoos, lorikeets, rosellas, parrots and more. Birdwatching enthusiasts should head to Sugarloaf Ridge and Glendenning, and explore the Parklands track through Plough and Harrow for the best views of our wildlife.

Download a copy of our Photo Guide to the Birds of Western Sydney, and don't forget to tag us and share your images using #westernsydneyparklands!

Get Back on Track

Western Sydney Parklands is home to more than 70km of tracks and trails. Come and explore them and get back to what really matters – nature, family, friends, and fun.

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