Western Sydney Parklands

WSP Plan of Management 2030

The NSW Minister for the Environment and Heritage adopted the Parklands Plan of Management 2030 in December 2018. It provides the strategic management framework for the Parklands and assists the Western Sydney Parklands Trust in determining its priorities and actions over the coming years.

This Plan of Management won the 2019 AILA NSW Landscape Architecture Awards Award of Excellence (Category: Landscape Planning).

It outlines a vision and key principals for the Parklands, which are used to shape four strategic directions that govern the Parklands' operation and development:

  • Environmental Protection and Land Stewardship
  • Creating Recreational and Community Facilities
  • Community Participation and Engagement
  • Financial Sustainability and Economic Development.

 It provides details on the business hubs and other revenue-generating opportunities that secure the long-term, sustainable revenue base required for development, maintenance, programs and activities in the Parklands.

The Parklands’ 5,280 hectares is divided into 16 precincts within the Plan, each with specific character statements, objectives, land-use opportunities and management priorities.

The Plan has been prepared in consultation with Parklands visitors, neighbours and other stakeholders. Over the coming years, the Trust will continue to work with these organisations and individuals to deliver the actions and projects detailed in the Plan.

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Western Sydney Parklands | WSP Plan of Management 2030