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Western Sydney Parklands

Parklands Permits

Anyone working in the Parklands needs to apply for a ‘permit to enter’ first. The permit to enter is required for all business activities, whether you are running a business, renting a property at a business hub, or working on site.

Permit to enter

To apply, download our permit to enter form and submit it to us with all required attachments.

The application asks for details of the work, the methodology and equipment that will be used, and the time-frame needed. Include these details in the appropriate section of the form or as a separate document attached to the application. You can also submit marked-up maps or plans.

Once you’ve fill out the form, have the final page signed by an authorised officer of your business. A safe work method statement and copy of the certificate of currency for public liability insurance must be submitted for the PTE to be approved.

Please email completed forms to peter.kapocius@gsp.nsw.gov.au allowing a minimum of ten working days for processing and approval.

Vehicle access permit

You’ll also need a permit for your vehicle to enter the Parklands. Download and submit the vehicle access permit form by email to peter.kapocius@gsp.nsw.gov.au, allowing a minimum of ten working days for processing and approval.

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