New vision for Eastern Creek unveiled
Published: 12 January 2022 at 10:18 am

A bold, new vision and indicative master plan for Eastern Creek Motor Sport Precinct released today is set to create a world-class, premier destination for motorsports, entertainment, education, and events in the heart of Western Sydney.
Greater Sydney Parklands CEO Suellen Fitzgerald said the indicative master plan was an exciting step in the evolution of motor racing at Eastern Creek, which also has broader community benefits.
“This vision will elevate one of Australia’s best-known and loved racing circuits to the international stage. It will delight motor racing enthusiasts and race drivers, and create more major events, entertainment and educational opportunities,” Ms Fitzgerald said.
“The long-term vision explores how we can cater for more users from club level motorsports, karting, motorcycling and non-motorsport users by leveraging adjoining land and sharing infrastructure.”
Greater Sydney Parklands led the master plan process in collaboration with the NSW Office of Sport, working closely with the motorsport community.
The indicative master plan addresses community feedback including:
• Increasing diversity of motorsport modes across the Precinct
• Improving community access to the Precinct for non-motorsport activities
• Increasing club-level participation to allow activation throughout the year
• Exploring the potential to partner with universities and business for research, innovation and development.
The indicative master plan identifies three key areas for further investigation:
1) Allocate and activate land for use by motorsport clubs
2) Establish a Coordination Committee to govern the operation and development of the Precinct in accordance with the master plan
3) Investigate feasibility of repurposing adjacent lands for motorsport use.
Read the final indicative master plan.