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Security, crowd management and emergency

The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a Security Management Plan and Emergency Management Plan. 

1. Security and Crowd Management Plan 

The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a Security and Crowd Management Plan which includes procedures for controlling entry/exit into the event; monitoring and communicating on crowd and individual behaviour; dealing with potentially anti-social behaviour; physically managing aggressive, abusive or violent behaviour; administering and coordinating ‘first response’ first aid or critical care; and coordinating emergency evacuation of an event. Key stakeholders such as NSW Police and medical providers must agree to the plan prior to an event. 

The event producer, promoter or hirer must also lodge a Notice of Intention to hold a Public Assembly with NSW Police prior to an event. For more information, visit the NSW Police Force website

2. Emergency Management Plan 

The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide an Emergency Management Plan in accordance with Australian Standard AS 3745:2010 – Planning for Emergencies. 

The plan must be prepared in consultation with NSW Police and the Trust. 

Security staff must be advised of the plan and be provided with comprehensive pre-event briefings.

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Western Sydney Parklands | Security, crowd management and emergency