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Site safety and risk management

The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a risk assessment identifying the hazards of an event site and how they can be controlled to minimise the potential for injury or harm. 

The risk assessment must be developed in consultation with relevant contractors and workers and, if required, relevant safety consultants, security providers, NSW Police and Roads and Maritime Services. 

All event risk assessments must be in accordance with ISO 31000:2009 – Risk Management. For more information, refer to these guidelines from the Australian Government's Comcover website

Event hazards and risks associated with the event must be controlled in accordance with the submitted plan. All workers and contractors must be provided with the necessary tools, supervision and instruction to manage identified risks. 

NOTE: A breach of duty of care is considered a criminal offence. Insurance companies will not cover the cost of such breaches. 

Work, Health and Safety Management Plan 

The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a Work, Health and Safety (WHS) Management Plan for all major events where construction work is being undertaken. Work is defined as any construction, alteration, conversion, fitting-out, commissioning, renovation, repair, maintenance, refurbishment, demolition, decommissioning or dismantling of a structure. A Safety Officer should be appointed to ensure all WHS requirements are met and that a sign-in and induction procedure is implemented for all staff, contractors and visitors to the site. For more information, visit SafeWork NSW

The WHS plan must signed and dated by the event organiser, promoter or hirer and site manager and be made available to all workers and contractors for the duration of the event. Additionally, the event producer, organiser or hirer will be provided with the Trust’s The Golden Rules of Safety for distribution to all contractors and workers working on the event.

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Western Sydney Parklands | Site safety and risk management