Western Sydney Parklands

Filming and photography

The Parklands offers visitors a serene backdrop of natural bushland. With expansive views of Western Sydney and the City skyline, the Parklands is an ideal location for filming and/or photography.

Wedding Photography

Wedding photography is permitted within the Parklands with prior approval. Permits are available through our online booking system.


For commercial filming and photography, please complete our Film and Photography Application Form

Please allow a minimum of 10 business days for processing of your application.

Please read our Terms and Conditions for more information.
Please read our Risk Assessment PDF for more information.

Download and read our Drone Policy for important information regarding the use of drones for events and commercial filming in Western Sydney Parklands. 

Hours of Filming and Photography
  • Monday to Friday only. No filming and photography will be permitted on weekends or public holidays.
  • Between gate opening and gate closing: 8:00am - 6:00pm. 
    (8:00am - 8:00pm during daylight saving).
  • Night filming may be arranged on application.



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Western Sydney Parklands | Filming and photography