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Western Sydney Parklands

Frequently Asked Questions - M12 Motorway


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Stay informed about changes to Western Sydney Parklands ahead of the upcoming M12 Motorway project.

Roads and Maritime is planning the M12 Motorway as part of the $4.1 billion Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan on behalf of the Australian and NSW Governments.

The new motorway will provide direct access to the Western Sydney International Airport at Badgerys Creek and connect to Sydney’s motorway network.


The M12 Motorway is a new 16-kilometre motorway that will provide direct access to Western Sydney International Airport at Badgery’s Creek and connect to Sydney’s existing motorway network.

The toll-free motorway will support future growth in western Sydney while increasing road capacity, reducing congestion, and improving travel times.

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Western Sydney Parklands | Frequently Asked Questions - M12 Motorway