Current projects
M7 to M12 Shared User Path
Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) is building a new shared user path that will link the M7 and M12 motorways, expanding the shared path network within the Southern Parklands, the area of Western Sydney Parklands south of Elizabeth Drive.
Identified in Western Sydney Parklands’ Southern Parklands Framework, this project is part of a long-term vision to create a more efficient transport network within the region.
Moondarra Drive – Shale Hills – Landscaping
Greater Sydney Parklands would like to make horticultural landscape improvements to Western Sydney Parklands’ boundary along Moondarra Drive, West Hoxton.
The proposed work aims to provide a more landscaped, bushland aesthetic that celebrates the Cumberland Plain woodland and includes formalised mowing patterns, new plantings and creating a healthy tree canopy. The work will improve the Parklands’ appearance and overall usability along Moondarra Drive as well as pedestrian access with the installation of a linking pedestrian path.
Eastern Creek Motor Sports Hub 
Greater Sydney Parklands is working with the NSW Office of Sport (OoS) on a Masterplan to create a premier destination for motorsports, entertainment, education and events at Eastern Creek in Sydney’s biggest backyard!
New walk for Southern Parklands
Western Sydney Parklands Trust is finalising plans for the iconic walk (Walk) which travels, between the Wylde Mountain Bike Trail in Cecil Hills and Middleton Grange, through Darug Country and the beautiful bushland of the Cumberland Plain.
Abbotsbury walking and cycling track
The Abbotsbury Precinct, in the centre of the Parklands, takes in Lizard Log, The Dairy, Calmsley Hill City Farm and Plough and Harrow.
A new walking and cycling track to connect Calmsley Hill City Farm and Plough and Harrow East was first identified in the Western Sydney Parklands Plan of Management in 2010. This link is the final section of track to be delivered within this part of the Parklands to provide the much-needed continual walking and cycling connection from Lizard Log to Plough and Harrow via The Dairy.
Northern Parklands tracks
We’ve been upgrading the network of cycling and walking tracks in the parklands for a few years now – it’s a big job! We’re currently working with Blacktown City Council to improve the Nurragingy Precinct at Glendenning.
To that end, we’ve finished building a new 3.5m wide sealed track spanning from Power Street to Woodstock Avenue, along the western side of Eastern Creek across from Nurragingy Reserve. This means there is now a continuous sealed link through the Parklands the entire way from the M7 through to Bungarribee. Seating and native trees have been installed.