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New tourism opportunity for Western Sydney Parklands

Published: 2 March 2020 at 10:56 am

Pikes Lane tourism opportunity

Western Sydney Parklands Trust is inviting Expressions of Interest for the development and long-term lease of a new tourism opportunity in Western Sydney Parklands known as ‘Pikes Lane’.

Executive Director of Western Sydney Parklands Trust Suellen Fitzgerald said the Trust will consider Expressions of Interest for part of the site as well as the whole site the area of approximately 25.2 hectares.

“With such close proximity to other major tourism attractions within the Parklands including the recently-opened Sydney Zoo, Raging Waters Sydney, Bungarribee Park, Blacktown International Sportspark, Sydney Motorsports Park and Sydney Dragway, we expect Pikes Lane to be hugely successful,” Ms Fitzgerald said.

“We have identified an undersupply of short-term holiday accommodation for families in Western Sydney however we will consider any tourism land uses that are consistent with the Plan of Management”.

Pikes Lane is located at the Light Horse Interchange (M4 and M7 intersection) just 13 kilometres from the new Western Sydney Airport, and is the most recent release of tourism land within the Parklands as the Trust continues to grow visitation to the Parklands, topping over 4 million visits in 2019.

The Parklands Plan of Management 2030 proposes the long-term land use of 5% of the Parklands will be for tourism land uses including a wide range of recreation, leisure, entertainment, education and nature-based uses and opportunities with associated facilities.

The Parklands catchment of over 2.3 million residents is anticipated to grow to over 3 million by 2036 as the Trust continues to enhance the environmental, recreation and community values of the Parklands including the provision of high-quality bushland, walking and cycling networks and urban farmlands.
Expressions of Interest (EOI) should be submitted via NSW eTendering by 8 April 2020. Detailed proposals are not sought at this time.


Submit your EOI via NSW eTendering here.

 Media contact: Lindsay Banffy, Media and Communications Manager – 0407 610 679

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