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The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) has issued a TOTAL FIRE BAN todaySunday 16 March 2025 until 12 midnight. This means no fires in parklands including coal, wood and gas fire BBQs and all fire permits are suspended. Please report any fires quickly by calling 000.

Western Sydney Parklands

The Parklands sets a new annual record – four million visits!

Published: 9 October 2018 at 12:00 am

Western Sydney Parkland Launch Event 3271

This year we celebrated a new benchmark with four million visits to the Parklands over the past year. That’s an average of around 11,000 visits per day, across the Parklands and all of our venues!

The number of visits has been growing strongly over the last few years, reflecting the increasing popularity of our recreation areas and tracks. Also, the commercial venues in the Parklands are being used by more people, more often, and events like the Parklands Food Fest continue to go from success to success.

With the much anticipated Sydney Zoo due to open in 2019, the brand new Lizard Log Markets held each Saturday, and the increasing popularity of Bungarribee Park we look forward to seeing even more visitors to Sydney’s biggest backyard this year!

Key achievements 2017/18

  • 1.7 million visits to Parklands recreation areas and tracks.
  • 2.3 million visits to partner tourism venues in the Parklands.
  • Five per cent growth compared to the previous year.
  • 13 per cent increase in shelter bookings – 57,000 visitors participated in 1,500 bookings.
  • 22,000 people attended events in Western Sydney Parklands.
  • Attendance at Parklands Food Fest increased by 33 per cent.
  • More than 1,300 school students took part in school planting programs.

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Western Sydney Parklands | The Parklands sets a new annual record – four million visits!